Milia are a condition where small cysts form from you top layer of skin and they look like little white bumps. They are caused when skin seals in dead cells and forms hard cysts on the face, neck, chest, and scalp. They usually form without warning and for no apparent reason. They do not come from the clogging of pores but from the top layer forming indentions where the dead skin gets trapped.
Newborn babies get Milia because their skin is new and is not sloughing off the dead skin cells fast enough. This is a very common occurrence in babies but it can happen in adults as well. There is a more severe form of Milia that can actually cause blisters on your skin when the dead cells pile up until they erupt.
So what are some of the Milia causes? There are some different theories based on the observation of people with the condition. It can usually pop up after you have a rash or a skin injury. Certain rashes like Rosacea can actually trigger Milia to pop up. Another thing that is noticed about Milia causes is that skin that has been exposed to a large amount of sun tends to have Milia form.
So what can you do to prevent Milia from forming? If you are predisposed to Milia then you cannot prevent it. It is one of those things that will pop up without any warning that you just do not have any control over. You can do some things to treat the condition after it has appeared on your skin.
Malia causes can be treated, and some form of prevention can be taken. Things such as wearing sunscreen when you are out and not using makeup until it clears up are a couple of ways to prevent the severity of the Milia.
Some ways to treat Milia is to keep your skin exfoliated. There are lots of gentle scrubs that are especially made for your face that will work great. If you get Milia in other areas a good body scrub or body wash with exfoliates in it will do the trick. In addition to exfoliating you can use a treatment that has glycolic acid to help reduce the size of Milia and the number of them.
If you cannot take care of the Milia with topical treatment then you can go and see a dermatologist and they will be able to extract the Milia with a sterile tool so as not to cause infection. Do not try to extract the Milia yourself if will not work the same and can cause an even a permanent scar where it would have just gone away eventually.
Newborn babies get Milia because their skin is new and is not sloughing off the dead skin cells fast enough. This is a very common occurrence in babies but it can happen in adults as well. There is a more severe form of Milia that can actually cause blisters on your skin when the dead cells pile up until they erupt.
So what are some of the Milia causes? There are some different theories based on the observation of people with the condition. It can usually pop up after you have a rash or a skin injury. Certain rashes like Rosacea can actually trigger Milia to pop up. Another thing that is noticed about Milia causes is that skin that has been exposed to a large amount of sun tends to have Milia form.
So what can you do to prevent Milia from forming? If you are predisposed to Milia then you cannot prevent it. It is one of those things that will pop up without any warning that you just do not have any control over. You can do some things to treat the condition after it has appeared on your skin.
Malia causes can be treated, and some form of prevention can be taken. Things such as wearing sunscreen when you are out and not using makeup until it clears up are a couple of ways to prevent the severity of the Milia.
Some ways to treat Milia is to keep your skin exfoliated. There are lots of gentle scrubs that are especially made for your face that will work great. If you get Milia in other areas a good body scrub or body wash with exfoliates in it will do the trick. In addition to exfoliating you can use a treatment that has glycolic acid to help reduce the size of Milia and the number of them.
If you cannot take care of the Milia with topical treatment then you can go and see a dermatologist and they will be able to extract the Milia with a sterile tool so as not to cause infection. Do not try to extract the Milia yourself if will not work the same and can cause an even a permanent scar where it would have just gone away eventually.